Fighting the World; MC; Bulgaria; 1987; G; 063; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; Bulgaria; 1987; Unison Records Ltd.; 3th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Canada; 1987; Atlantic; 79 05634; 3th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Germany; 1987; Atlantic; 790 563-4; 5th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Euro Star; ES 245; Bootleg, 3th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Germany; 1987; Atlantic; 790 563-4; 3rd Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Germany; 1987; Atlantic; 790 563-4; 4th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Germany; 1987; Atlantic; 790 563-4; 5th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Germany; 1987; Dino Music; D.M. 2039
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Super Tape ST 245; Eurostar; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1991; MG; MG 0568; Bootleg, 9th Press, different Cover & Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1991; MG; MG 0568; Bootleg, 4th Press, different Cover & Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Nora Music; NM 264; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; 1987; Team Records; T 9279; Bootleg, RockLine
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Baron Music; B.M.-164; Bootleg, 3th Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Phonex; 0123; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; Audio Max; 442; Bootleg, 3rd Press, different Tape
Fighting the World; MC; Thailand; 1987; CD-4/ HV-414.; Bootleg
Fighting the World; MC; Poland; 1987; Phonex; 0123; Bootleg, 3nd Press, different Tape
Fighting the world; MC; Poland; 1987; Joker; J9076; Bootleg
Fighting the World; MC; Russia; 1987; Eurostar; ES 245; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; Turkey; 1987; Atlantic; 90563-4 / TS-2240
Fighting the World; MC; Ukraine; Moon Records
Fighting the World; MC; USA; 1987; Atlantic; 0005-95; Bootleg, 1st Press
Fighting the World; MC; USA; 1987; Atlantic; 90563-4; 1st Press
Fighting the world, bootleg